As you already know, the way social media governs a lot of people’s opinions and how many people rely upon these media outlets for information, when a coach, college recruiter, or professional scout is looking up your son or daughter online, there really should be some flattering content for them to see!
Trusting on paying someone to VIDEO your son’s baseball actions or your daughter’s softball actions isn’t always the best plan. It’s usually NOT the best plan because the scouting service or video coordinator usually wants to follow the usual routine; 10-15 swings, 10 ground balls, 10 throws, 10 pitches, etc. When you get the edited video you THINK it looks great..but, in the eyes of the coach, recruiter, or pro-scout…, your son/daughter’s baseball/softball ACTIONS are mediocre at best!
We offer a better option. Allow us to VIDEO all of your baseball or softball actions or just pick ONE particular skill. We schedule 2 (40-minute visits). During these visits, we will help you to POLISH your baseball or softball actions to make them more professional and desirable to coaches, recruiters, and professional scouts.
Look, everyone already knows how important that first impression is to people. The most important element of your video that coaches really care about isn’t how “cool” your video was made with smooth editing transitions or eye-catching graphics. What coaches really care about is your baseball and softball “actions”.., how do they look?
Try asking a college recruiter, “how many videos do you watch AND.., do you watch the whole video?” Most honest coaches will tell you, “You have about 20 seconds to do something I’m going to like!” This is why the content you put into your video is extremely important.
Call me or message me if you have any questions. I have over 30 years of experience in this area. Along with producing your video, I can be an asset in your journey toward college baseball/softball and into professional baseball.
Total Investment is only $245
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